Door Knob Definition: What you Need to know about Door Knobs

If you are looking for a door knob definition, then it is the round handle on a door that is turned in order to release the latch and thus opening it. Door knobs have a wide range of application which have their advantages an disadvantages. They are as listed below.


Door knobs are mostly used in external doors. Knobs of this type have a keyed cylinder for locking and unlocking the doors.
Another application of door knobs is in bathrooms and bedrooms where they can be manually turned to lock door from the inside but do not include keyed cylinders.
The third use of door knobs is in halls and closet doors where they do not lock the doors but provide a griping surface for opening and closing doors. They can also just be used for aesthetic purposes such as in ball catch doors.


According to the door knob definition above, they are round and therefore perfect for doors that open in either directions since they are symmetrical and operate the same way regardless of the configuration.
They are harder as compared to door levers for children and pets to open hence can be considered to be a safety feature if you don’t want your children or pets to go out on their own. There are even cheap and readily available child safety covers for door knobs if desired.
If worried about tearing your clothing on doors, then door knobs are your choice for door handles as their design does not allow them to catch your clothing and therefore are less likely to damage them.


It is very difficult for children and pets to open if you want them to go out on their own. They will be impossible to open if you try to open them with full arms. Their shape is round as per the door knob definition and are therefore difficult to open for people with disabilities.
They do not comply with Americans with disabilities act since they have to be twisted in order to open.

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